First Plugin

So... before we get started. I hate VimL. I think its gross. Its Ugly. Its all around unpleasant to write. This is the primary reason why I use NeoVim, not Vim. I can write my plugins in Lua.

Lua is not bad. Its a simple language that is extremely boring, which makes it a great candidate for a scripting language of simple ui elements.

This is meant to show you the power of Vim and its scriptability. As said, its better in Lua.

We are going to walk through Writing Vim Plugin By Łukasz Jan Niemier.

Remember your VimRC?

Start by executing :h runtimepath

We need to add to the runtime path a directory to be loaded and it should contain a folder called plugin where we have our plugin located.

mkdir -p /path/to/your/plugin/folder
cd /path/to/your/plugin/folder
vim --cmd "set rtp+=$(pwd)" .

We have opened up vim and added to the runtime path at opening our current folder. This is a way to do this.

You can also install your plugin like any other!

... In your vim rc, next to fzf ...
Plug '/absolute/path/to/plugin/folder'

But while we are developing, we don't have to have it in either, we can just execute :so % (much like we did in our vim rc).

Follow along!

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