

To use the exercises, please curl the file to your machine and edit it with vim.

Exercise 0: Basic movement, h, j, k, l, w, b

press j to go down

press l to follow the line

---------------------------o " press x to delete the o " press j to go to the next action

press l and j to follow the line and x to delete the o

-+ | |
+------+ | |
+------+ | |

press l and j and h to follow the line and x to delete the o

-+ | |
+------+ | |
+------+ | +------+ | |

press l, j, h, and k to follow the line and x to delete the o

-+ +------+ +------+ +-----o | | | | | | | | | | | | +------+ | | +------+ | | +------+ | | |
| | | | +-------------+

press w to get to o and press x to delete

+-+ +------+ +------+ +-----o

b = inverse w: press w, j, and b to get to o and press x to delete

+-+ +------+ +------+ +-----+ | o-+ +------+ +------+ +-----+

Go in circles until you feel good

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