
Perhaps the most important of everything

Gas. How expensive is what I am doing?

What is gas?

Its the cost, in ethers, for the transaction. The typical measurement for gas is gwei. gwei is 10^9 wei. In other words, its giga weis.

  • wei is the fundamental unit of ether. Its like our pennies.
  • gwei = 10^9 wei
  • ether = 10^18 wei

How does gas price work?

To understand you need to understand two things.

  1. what a virtual machine is
  2. The current cost of gas. Opcode and its associated prices.

What is a virtual machine.

(Use gimp theprimeagen)

Ok, so I know about the vm, how much does it cost?

(Search with brave)

Typical measurement for gas is in gwei

But how much is that?

gas-cost * gas-used * 10^9 * eth-cost / 10^18
// Or simplified as
gas-cost * gas-used * eth-cost / 10^9

An easier way to learn about cost is with exploring.

Lets build some contracts and watch the price change as we do things.

So lets do some basic programs and start finding out what things cost.

A cool gas reporter

Gas Reporter

yarn add -D hardhat-gas-reporter

Add this line to your hardhat.config.ts

import "hardhat-gas-reporter";

Key Takeaway

  • Everything you do costs money. Be careful.
  • Let me rant for a second about javascript.
  • Questions?