The Terminology

Files, Buffers, Windows, Splits, and Tabs

We all know what files are (or so you think LiveOverflow's Video on Files) but there is a bit more when it comes to how vim handles them.


A buffer contains the text of the file and is what you edit.

:h buffer


Contains a buffer to display. Windows can be closed but the underlying buffer can remain in memory.

:h window


A tab is like another viewport. You can have many windows|splits open per tab.

:h tab


A split simply refers to splitting the viewport in N sections (various sizing and orientations available) to display windows.

:h split

Other Terminology


Help Menu

Help menu can be accessed by typing :h<enter>. There is so much documentation, that is pretty good, available. If you find yourself lost, RTFM (at least that is what they tell me).


A command that moves the cursor (taken straight from the help docs, :h motion).


Ctrl+a will be abbreviated <C-a>. This is also how its referenced in VimL, Vim's editor language.

Enter will often be abbr as <CR>

Tab, Escape, and space will be <tab>, <esc>, <space>

When you see something that starts with a : that means it will execute a command.