Advanced Motions


c is a powerful motion. You use it just like d but at the end of the motion you are ejected from NORMAL and into INSERT.

So if you wished to delete a word and then type in a new word, c is a great habit to form.

Lets see the difference

// dd this line // cc this line

Horizontal Movement

Lets learn about!: _, 0, $, D, C, S, f, ,, ;, t, F, and T

// How would we move around on the line with "contents" if (true) { contents conTenTs contenTS }

Vertical Movement

Core movement

Rely on relative jumps. Get good at them.

If you get NeoVim, try VimBeGood

{ and }

We know about search. That is a vertical movement, but its really specific.

First lets talk { and }

ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode

ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode ContiguousCode

Benefits? Class chat

This next one is a bit odd


So lets do another type of navigation.

Try pressing <C-d>


. .























Benefits? Class chat

[m / ]m and [M / ]M

This will move by "function". It works pretty well in c languages.

Move your cusor to this line and press ]m. Try moving back and forth and try the uppercase version as well.

if (foo) { some content some content some content some content function bar() { some other content some other content some other content some other content } function baz() { other content other content other content other content } }



Ok,.... soo this isn't a pure vertical motion. It actually is a pair jumper

if (true) { content const a = [ content, content, content, ]




Lets combine it with a motion. Delete the const a =... statement.

Get zany...

Lets look at the following statement, what are some ways you can delete the contents of the if statement?

if (true) { line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 }

I was hoping to hear f{V%D. That is just so sexy. d4j is ok. Relative jump, well done.. 5dd meh. I would glad hand like a politician with dd dd dd dd dd. Just say mean things behind your back.

So lets try again.. but I spiced it up.

if (true) { line1 // Some distance line2 line3



First, place your cursor in the if statement. Where ever you want. Type di{

i = inside

Class Discussion

What other letter do you think you could try other than i?

. . . . . . . use <C-d> to go down... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

// TODO: make a meme -- aliens.. Yes, a is the other. I have never heard a great reason why, but just deal with it.

so lets try again. try da{

if (true) { line1 // Some distance line2 line3



well shoot...

Class Discussion

Lets solve this together

if (true) { line1 // Some distance line2 line3



. . . . . . . . . .

For those that couldn't wait or got the answer. va{Vd


lets redo the previous exercise except copy from one if statement and override the next if statement. How would we go about this?

if (true) { line1 // Some distance line2 line3



if (true) { replace_me_1 // Some distance replace_me_2 replace_me_3

