So what does this give us?

Well, now we need to rework our Rectangle and Circle implementation a bit.

  • We don't need RectIter, we have PointIter now. So everything associated with RectIter, including Rectangle IntoIterator can be removed
  • implement Points for Rectangle
  • implement Contains for Rectangle
    • we already have that implemented on the Rectangle impl
  • implement Points for Circle
  • implement Contains for Circle
    • we already have that implemented on the Circle impl

Complete Code


fn main() {
    let rect = Rectangle::default();

    for point in rect.points() {
        println!("({}, {})", point.0, point.1);

    let rect2 = Rectangle::default();

    println!("{}", rect.collide(&rect2));


impl Points for Rectangle {
    fn points(&self) -> super::collisions::PointIter {
        return super::collisions::PointIter {
            points: vec![
                (self.x, self.y),
                (self.x + self.width, self.y),
                (self.x, self.y + self.height),
                (self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height),
            idx: 0,

impl Contains for Rectangle {
    fn contains_point(&self, (x, y): (f64, f64)) -> bool {
        return x >= self.x && x <= self.x + self.width &&
            y >= self.y && y <= self.y + self.height;


impl Contains for Circle {
    fn contains_point(&self, (x, y): (f64, f64)) -> bool {
        let dx = self.x - x;
        let dy = self.y - y;

        return dx * dx + dy * dy <= self.radius * self.radius;

impl Points for Circle {
    fn points(&self) -> super::collisions::PointIter {
        return vec![
            (self.x, self.y),

Lets try it out in our main file

  • create 2 Rectangles
  • create 2 Circles
  • test "Collisions"

Why doesn't this work?


mod shapes;

use shapes::{circle::Circle, collisions::Collidable};

use crate::shapes::rect::Rectangle;

fn main() {
    let rect = Rectangle::default();
    let rect2 = Rectangle::default();

    let circ = Circle {
        radius: 3.0,
        x: 1.0,
        y: 1.0,

    let circ2 = Circle {
        radius: 2.0,
        x: 1.0,
        y: 1.0,


Lets go look at our Collidable definition, perhaps we can see something wrong

Complete Code

impl<T, V> Collidable<T> for V
where T: Points,
      V: Contains
    fn collide(&self, other: &T) -> bool {
        for point in other.points() {
            if self.contains_point(point) {
                return true;

        return false;