What about our own traits?

Lets create our own amazing trait!

Lets talk about collisions (don't worry we will stay out of complicated math)

  • One side note, our collision system is SUPER FLAWED but enough to make it easy to test and show off some really cool features. So just deal with it my game programmers that are in the audience.

  • its Not really collision, its more checking to see if any point exists within


Don't forget to add it to mod.rs

pub mod collisions;
  • implement trait Collidable<T> with fn collide(&self, &T) and collides(&self, &[T])

  • implement contains_point for Rectangle and Circle

  • implement Collidable<Rectangle> for Rectangle

  • implement Collidable<Circle> for Rectangle

  • implement Collidable<Circle> for Circle

  • implement Collidable<Rectangle> for Circle

we are only looking for point inclusion

Complete Code


impl Rectangle {
    pub fn contains_point(&self, (x, y): (f64, f64)) -> bool {
        return x >= self.x && x <= self.x + self.width &&
            y >= self.y && y <= self.y + self.height;

impl Collidable<Circle> for Rectangle {
    fn collide(&self, other: &Circle) -> bool {
        return other.collide(self);

impl Collidable<Rectangle> for Rectangle {
    fn collide(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
        for point in other {
            if self.contains_point(point) {
                return true;
        return false;


impl Circle {
    pub fn contains_point(&self, (x, y): (f64, f64)) -> bool {
        let dx = self.x - x;
        let dy = self.y - y;

        return dx * dx + dy * dy <= self.radius * self.radius;

impl Collidable<Rectangle> for Circle {
    fn collide(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
        for point in other {
            if self.contains_point(point) {
                return true;
        return false;

impl Collidable<Circle> for Circle {
    fn collide(&self, other: &Circle) -> bool {
        return self.contains_point((other.x, other.y)) ||
            other.contains_point((self.x, self.y));

Is the code a bit... similar and... ugly?

Circular references?? Repetitive??? This just isn't the way. If only there was something we could do... wait... could traits help? how serendipitous!