The Basics

remember my ASSUMPTIONS? Time to make good on that...

We are going to spend a short period of time just going over differences between the two languages and some specific rust only features.

So there is going to be no programming, its meant to get you familiar with words and ideas.


const foo = 5; // sort of constant
let foo = 5; // definitely not constant
const foo = [] as const; // const pointer to a constant..
// i understand if you don't c the joke
let foo = 5; // constant
let mut foo = 5; // mutable


const foo = [...];
const foo = someMethod(foo);
let foo = [...];  // I am of Type A
let foo = someMethod(foo); // I am of Type B - YA! perfectly fine

Why though?

One thing that makes shadowing amazing is that you can change types.

let foo = get_file(args); // FileHandle
let foo = read_file(foo); // String
let foo = tokenize_and_do_things_to_string(foo); // Vec<String>


if (condition && second || this_one) {
} else if ...
if condition && second || this_one { // rust will warn you
} else if ...
else ...



for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  // ...
for i in 0..10 {

// inclusive (includes 10)
for i in 0..=10 {


while (true) {
  // ...
while true {

For ever?

for (;;) {
  // while (true) {
  // ...
loop {


for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
  // ...
for (const value of [1, 2, 3]) {
  // ...
for (const idx in [1, 2, 3]) {
  // ...

// array#map // copies
// array#filter // copies
// array#forEach // iterates
// array#reduce // always a bad decision
// map#forEach // weird interface


for x in &some_array {
    // x will be each item of an array

vec![1, 2, 3]
    // you can create your own...


function foo() {}
fn foo() {


function foo(arg1: number, arg2: number) {}
fn foo(arg1: f64, arg2: f64) {
    // numbers can be a bit complicated


This is interesting in typescript. You may have to change some habbits

// The return type is based on the code below
// function foo(): number {
function foo() {
  return 5;
fn foo() -> usize {
    return 5;


(x) => {
  return x;

// or auto return x + 1 like
(x) => x + 1;
|x| {
    return x;

|x| x + 1

Class and Methods

This one is where the truest magic happens

class Foo {

    constructor() { ... }


    static methods

    private methods

    protected methods // if you use this i'll fire you

Pay real close attention

struct Foo {
    properties ...
    pub properties ...

impl Foo {
    // these are both static methods
    fn this() // available usage within the file
    pub fn this() // available usage within the file

    // you should be able to understand this before the end
    // of the day..
    // and all of this can add pub
    // these are instance methods
    fn this(&self)...
    fn this(&mut self)...

    // public instance methods
    pub fn this(self)...
  • What stuck out to you?


interface Foo {
  properties: type; //gross
  method(): retType;

interface Foo {
  hey_another_method(); // i feel many things about this

again, look for something special here

trait Foo {
    // no properties
    fn method(&self) -> retType;

impl Foo for MyStruct {
  • traits compose this may not sound big, but its AMAZING effectively prevents the need for inheritance