Hot spot optimizations

Up until now we have been doing hot spot optimizations. This is where we look at the profiler and try to make it faster. What if there is nothing left?

First Lets Assess the situation

  • A majority of memory pointing towards websockets (we can't just stop...)
  • On the performance side there does appear to be about ~20-30% in just hundreds a little functions of which a lot of them appear in ws

The best javascript is not javascript

Stop writing javascript. I mean this as literal as possible. Lets relook at our profiles and make some observations.

  • we still have lots of idle
  • bits on websocket are there
  • we produce most of our memory from our websocket program

Lets remove ws and replace it with a library that uses Node Bindings/C++. This is also the same library that Bun uses

npm i uNetworking/uWebSockets.js#v20.32.0

This upgrade is going to take some effort, so lets do this!

please use second opt as base For the third optimization please use second-opt from the branch to start from. This is just the second optimization and this will allow us to test just the third optimization. afterwords we can find out if optimizing update makes a difference!

Lets measure!

Lets combine!

For the third optimization please use second-opt from the branch to start from. This is just the second optimization and this will allow us to test just the third optimization.

Lets merge first-opt

git merge first-opt
npm run test # don't need to wait for int test

now lets measure!