Lets start off with a quote

Casey Casey


JavaScript Performance, is this an oxymoron?

like all answers, it depends

Speed is relative

  • when we say fast...

What this course is about

This course is as much a "performance" course as its a javascript fundamentals. If you stick through the whole course you will learn a about how javascript works

  • These are transferrable skills. Any other GC based language will have similar concepts
    • Its also transferrable between bun and node and the browser
    • We will not talk about the dom today
  • It will make you write better code. Better code in this case delivers what the customer wants but smoother, crispier, and smothered in coconut oil
  • we will not deep dive into perf or chrome-tracing or v8-tracing
  • we will talk about "micro" optizimations (property ordering, monomorphism)