Tmux - Using


Some of my items will be slightly different than yours because I have a tmux rc that has been refined. You can have one too! I'll even talk about it shortly, but for the sake on less confusion, lets start with just tmux then we will get to some of the rc

Why show you the commands

There may come a day when you want to write a little optimized script! Everything has both the command and a key. The command line interface for tmux is very complete and you can do a lot of things.

Lets open a terminal and start tmuxing

tmux list-sessions

# If you got excited
tmux kill-server


What actually happens here? (Draw it out)

Lets close the terminal

tmux a
tmux attach


Prefix Key

  • The key combo you press (default C-b).
  • Draw it out

Creating sessions

tmux kill-server
tmux list-sessions
tmux list-sessions
tmux #errors
tmux new-session #errors
tmux new-session -d
tmux list-sessions

I don't use this personal, but this is a thing that is good to know.

  • to the next session <prefix>-(
  • to the prev session <prefix>-)

Close and create new session

tmux kill-server
tmux new-session # equivalent to tmux

Lets close our tmux (but not really)!

Lets use <prefix>-d


tmux a #ttach

You can see all of the sessions and their windows by pressing <prefix>-w

Create a bunch of windows

That way we can really see what happened there. For you to do this on your own use detach in conjunction with tmux new-session command

Fun fact, C-d vs prefix-d

C-d = EOF prefix-d = tmux detach

So those are sessions

it may be hard to see the difference between a session, a window, and a pane.

Lets talk about windows

Clean everything up.

tmux kill-server

Creating Windows

tmux new-window

this is equivalent to <prefix>-c

  • <prefix>-n for next window
  • <prefix>-p for prev window
  • <prefix>-# for the # window

Usefulness tip

A session should contain like items.

Who does #2 work for?

You can name sessions and windows

tmux new-session -d -s "foofoo"
tmux new-window -n "fooooo"

Usability tip

You cannot have sessions with the same name

There are panes

You can definitely look into panes to be able to split your view. I just haven't really got into that. I find it a pane in the ass..

From Acrolinux Tmux - Server

Have we solved this?

Tooooo many terms