Your shell
A nice terminal experience starts with the shell
We don't need to spend a lot of time here. There are a ton of options, again, but this time I will make a strong suggestion.
Strongly suggest zsh
- its default on mac, something at least they have done right
- its easy to install on ubuntu
sudo apt install zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
But what is a shell?
The Wizard explained the shell once to me in the following way. He gets banned from twitch regularly, so..... that link is to his youtube.
# you meant ls -la
ls -;a
- Don't forget to draw :)
- Do the
ps -o pid,ppid= -C zsh
Terminal vs Shell
Shell can be great
A lot of point counter point talk on the internet for bash vs zsh vs tsh vs bsh vs fish
- I am just going to give you what I like
- How to install
curl -L | sh
So what do I get out of oh-my-zsh?
- Open up .zshrc and go to lines plugins
Personal Opinion
- Choose something
- Learn about it to some small amount
- Get good at core utils
- Take advantage of already built tools that are amazing.
Apply what you have learned
Lets say you decide, yes I want zsh and oh my zsh. What should you do?
Fun side note
I actually forgot to do it for myself and so when I originally executed this I didn't have zsh-autosuggestions installed. Took a moment to figure it out.